DDoS Websites by Using Slowloris on Windows

There are many ways you can use to DDoS someone’s website. One of it is by using SlowLoris. Slowloris is a program that can be used on Windows PC even with slow internet connection to DDoS websites. It literally will send numerous amounts of incomplete requests to the target website and the target website will be busy preparing for the never-complete requests from the program. The website will not responding and then it will be not accessible for anyone then, but only for several minutes. At least you can DDoS websites even by using slow internet connection, so, BE GRATEFUL.  🙂

Okay, lets get started.

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The Great Features of Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner


Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner is a great vulnerability scanner for websites. It help website administrators to figure out any vulnerabilities on their websites. At the same time, it also help website defacers and hijackers and script kiddies to scan for website vulnerabilities. There are many features added on this program to aid anyone who uses it to do many kinds of things, it does help A LOT for me, if you know what I mean.

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Host Your Own Server or Website at Home!


Many of us actually ever wanted to make and host  our own server or website at home, but we actually didn’t know how to do it. I also once thinking on hosting my own server at home so I can fully control my own server, whether in hardware or software. You can host your own website at home, and I’ll tell you exactly how everything works! However it does save little money and keeps you off brain stress if you went with online hosting services like with BlueHost. So give it serious thought before you proceed… unless your goal is simply to learn about the technology, then have fun!

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